Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Gearing up again...

Wow... over 3-and-a-half years since my last post.

That's going to have to change - or at least I'll work at it some more.

New endeavours mean new dedication - and a new page title! I'm now approaching 'Official' status.

Business Name registered - check.
Relevant Tax stuff applied-for... - check.
Local Business Licensing paperwork downloaded - check, but not yet handed in/paid up.
Out-of-pocket before I see a dime... sadly, - check.

Loomacy and Lace (PST number not yet finalized, official launch date set for Jan. 2017).

Now I see whether putting money in helps me focus at better than kinda-sorta levels. I suspect I've been on the right track for a couple years now - my productivity in my Facebook 'projects' album has been on the rise - but I have yet to really mean it.

Truth be told, I've been afraid to - because it might work, and some sorts of 'work' seem to put the 'dead' in 'deadline'. I'm working on it, though - and managed to do at least one time-sensitive project this year, which is a *major* first for me. (...actually, there were several smaller time-sensitive projects, too - but a 4-yard belt is kind of a biggie...).

...and in other news - that spindle from my last post? Used it several times, until the glue failed this summer - so it's been re-glued with E6000, and we'll see.

Gonna burn bright - even if it IS on re-entry... but it's high time I went for it.