Sunday, 9 December 2012

Fibre Christmas!

Been awhile since I last posted, so I'll catch you up on my last couple months' progress...

I got 15 items into Studio Fair, and sold 8 of them (all the yarn I put in, plus half the bookmarks). Most of the items pictured in the last photo are at new homes now.

I turned the blue tape into a bookmark and 2 lanyards - one neck-length, one wrist-sized - figuring I'd at least get feedback on what people thought. Most liked them, but overall, I heard several requests for break-away hardware, since many job sites require it for safety. There are still some applications where it's preferable to have a solid lanyard, so eventually I'll try to have a mix. There's lots of time before next year for that.

Fibre Christmas - I invested fairly heavily in my fibre business this year, and bought a few items from Birkeland Bros, to help them get re-started in their new location, and because I wanted to get moving on the Tent From Hell as quickly as possible. Their natural black crossbred sliver is just the ticket - the quality is lower than I'd hoped, but for a tent, that matters a lot less than it would for other applications. Because the shipping was nearly as much as the fibre, I gritted my teeth, and ordered a pound of merino locks and 100g of black tencel to mitigate the cost. It'll be a consideration on future orders, but not a deterrent - the options here are limited, and I like to support local/regional/Canadian businesses whenever possible.

Progress pic - more or less... since some of what I finished sold (again) ;)

After Studio Fair, to raise funds for the Guild, and help move items that didn't sell there, we had an open house - and as usual, more internal trading happened than external. Isn't that how it works everywhere?

My plunder (some purchased, some gifted, some traded - I've finished more 'elf work' in another weaver's studio)

Yeah, it's _very_ purple - but the natural grey is _lovely_, and I already have several greens in my stash, as well as quite a bit of brown and black alpaca. We'll see where it leads - and I'll be buying more, I'm sure... but I want to spin some of what I have, now that my stash is diminished from selling a goodly chunk of what I finished this year. I've been pondering what do work with on my combs, since the first batch of combings looked so good.

The wheel has definite perks, like holding more yarn than my smaller spindles (the bobbin in the first photo has 100g of merino/silk on it) - I'll have to consider that going forward. Do I want to sell larger skeins, or 'whatever I make'-sized skeins... with finer yarns, I could go either way, and for tape weaving it doesn't matter at all, but knitters aren't used to irregular/random put-up, so there will be education involved, or I might need to standardize, and keep the 'orts' for my own work...

So many directions I could go... more research is needed ;)

Just realized I missed photos of the 2 tablet warps I have on the big inkle - I'll post them when I make some progress!

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